Hall Monitor Duties
Morning Set Up:
Room 213 Set up 5 tables & chairs
- Set up tables (diagram in cabinet 142/144)
- 4 chairs per table
- microwave (move from kitchen)
- Help set up food ministry
Move from cabinet 142/144 to gym
- Keurig (fill with water and turn on)
- toaster
- baskets (refill before moving)
- coffee/tea
- sugar
- cups
- plates/bowls
- cutlery
· Hang signs (use blue tape)
Weather Permitting
Outside (bring paper towels, cleaner)
· Wipe down picnic tables and benches
- Set out cones
- Bring out balls and chalk
The in between times:
- Use disinfectant wipes on handrails and bathroom doors and fixture handles. (9:30,10:30, 11:30)
- Door HM: Stand guard near door and allow only coop families inside
- Gym HM refill the coffee/tea/plates/cutlery/cream if needed
- Gym HM Keep children from running between tables or chairs.
- Clean up spills or messes near the microwave/coffee area.
End of the Day Clean Up:
Classrooms/Study Rooms
- Spray and wipe tables
- Spray and wipe whiteboards
- Sweep rooms (brooms and dustpan in workroom)
- Empty trash into the large barrel
- Sweep halls
- Make sure chairs are put back
- Close windows
- Turn off lights
- Room 213
- Put red chairs in closet
- Put tables away
- Pick up stray paper towel pieces
- Flush toilets
- Empty trash
- Wipe up counter
- Spray/wipe down tables
- Stack tables/chairs on dollies
o 4 tables per side legs out
o 4 chairs deep per section bottom side showing
- Keurig
o Drain water
o Return to cabinet in room 142/144
- Return all baskets to the cabinet in room 142/144
- Return microwave cart and rolling cart to kitchen
- Sweep floor/Hallways
Nursery 142/144
- Spray/wipe down tables
- Sweep
- Empty trash
- Spray toys down with cleaner that is in our cabinet
- Bring barrel down from 2nd floor
- Bring all trash to dumpster
- Pick up trash
- Straighten chairs
- Bring lost and found items to bin