AGAPE at Tower Hill 2024-2025 Guidelines

Welcome Parent Educators, AGAPE at Tower Hill welcomes you and your family to another year with our organization! We are a ministry of Tower Hill Church and have grown from three families during the summer of 1998 to over 100 families! The principles and goals that guide our co-op have not changed in the twenty-six years that we have been in existence, one of the most important being an acknowledgment that our children are a gift from God. As such, we are accountable to Him in their upbringing. We feel privileged to be able to follow God's leading in Deuteronomy 6:5-7 by home educating our children. We acknowledge that God is the author of our life stories, and seek to honor Him in all that we do, especially in the training of our children to be ready to accomplish all that God has planned for their lives. They have an eternity to live, and the need to complete their math homework pales in comparison to the responsibility we have to surround them with that which is noble, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous and praiseworthy (Philippians 4:8), and to encourage the development of their faith, after which is added virtue, and then knowledge (2 Peter 1:5). As a ministry of Tower Hill Church, part of the church’s mission statement includes training people to go out and impact the world for Christ. Thanks to each parent and helper that participates and assists in tutoring, monitoring, and cleaning, Agape is successful in helping fulfill that portion of the church’s mission statement. In addition, the co-op’s ministry vision is to come alongside homeschool families to provide support in spiritual and educational areas through fellowship, prayer, and classroom experiences. Our ministry is directly accountable to the Pastor and Board of Elders. We have an advisory board made up of a group of ladies who establish guidelines for day-to-day operations and who are responsible for implementing the policies that are set forth below. We have developed practical guidelines to help keep our activities and meetings running smoothly. Please take some time to familiarize yourself with this information.

Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA)

We urge you to join HSLDA, to not only protect your right to freely home school in the manner in which you believe you should, but your membership dues also help protect millions of home schoolers across the US and abroad. HSLDA protects home schoolers from inappropriate or unlawful interference by government officials and provides the following:

  • provides a myriad of resources including: teaching aids, curricula, online courses, or advice concerning your state’s laws.
  • provides legal representation for issues related to home education, all the way to the Supreme Court without any extra fees.
  • Costs $125 per year with our group discount (code available at mandatory meeting)

Parental Involvement Requirement :

  • Students 12 and under must attend co-op with a parent(s).
  • Mandatory Meeting:
    • Required: A parent of all attending students AND teens turning 13 years or older during the calendar year must attend 
    • Consequence if missed: Delayed admission until $75 fee paid and material reviewed with a member of Advisory Committee
  • Clean-Up/Hall Monitoring Required:
    •  Serve 1 day per semester; sign up for your dates by September 24th
    • First semester due September 24th
    • Second semester due by February 4th Details for serving: Sign up for your dates by September 24th.
    • Receive reminder text on Monday of week serving
    • Arrive by 8:00 am
    • Consider having someone else watch toddlers or babies for you
    • Follow hall monitor guidelines and remain on duty until 2:30 pm
    •  Illness/ emergencies: Contact Nicole Henry as soon as an issue arises
    • You may reschedule twice
    • Third cancelation requires paying the fee within 2 weeks to continue Consequences: Failure to meet deadlines or make arrangements with Nicole prior to deadlines results in removal from classes until dates are selected or fees paid

General Rules of Conduct Goal:

Raise Godly men and women through establishing and enforcing basic guidelines

Expectations: All in attendance will abide by established standards of dress, language, and behavior and clean up after themselves when they finish using an area.

Consequences: Repeated disregard could result in suspension or expulsion

Electronic Devices Gym - cell phones, computers, Ipads, & Ipods are allowed if screens are visible. Study rooms – Computers are allowed for school purposes only Screens must face the door and be visible to others at all times. No cell phones in the study rooms. Classrooms - at tutor’s discretion Cameras are NOT allowed. The only exception is yearbook staff/students. Do NOT take pictures. This is for security/privacy reasons.

Online Activities: It is the parent’s responsibility to monitor their child’s online presence. Agape has one Facebook group that is monitored by a board member. All other social media groups are not monitored or approved by Agape.

Dress Code: Applies to all students, parents, tutors, and visitors and at any co-op sponsored event.


  • Shorts that are fingertip length
  • Skirts/dresses: reach the knee or have leggings underneath
  • Leggings: Opaque leggings with a shirt/sweater/dress covering your backside
  • Tops: with inch wide straps or sleeves, fully cover midriff
  • Ripped jeans allowed as long as no skin is exposed above fingertip length 


  • Too tight or too short
  • Too low or revealing
  • Show boxers or underwear
  • Spaghetti straps and strapless tops
  • Tops that have graphics or saying which go against the mission of the co-op
  • Cropped tops It is the parents’ responsibility to ensure proper dress

Consequence: Anyone who comes dressed inappropriately will be asked to change and/or sent home to do so.

Bullying: Bullying or behaviors that may be perceived as bullying will not be tolerated and will result in suspension. This includes words spoken, cyber bullying, gestures made, and actions. All attendees, students and parents will be held to a high standard in this regard. Bullying will not be tolerated in any form.

Language (Oral and Body): Scripture (Ephesians 4:29) states that our language needs to be uplifting. Parents need to ensure their own language is appropriate and set an example. As a co-op, using appropriate language also means abstaining from gossip in any form. This includes both students and parents. As the body of Christ, we need to make sure that our words are bringing life, not death (Proverbs 18:21). Proverbs 16:24 “Kind words are like honey – sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.” Refrain from verbal language or gestures that could be considered crude or a swear in today's society.

Consequence: 1. Memorize Ephesians 4:29 and one other verse of your choosing that deals with the tongue and speech. 2. Quote the Scripture to an Advisory Board member and explain the value of that Scripture before you are able to attend classes again.

Restoration Policy: in the spirit of Matthew 18 If you are offended or think that you offended someone else: 1. Open up the lines of communication by talking to the person. Refrain from speaking about the situation to your friends. 2. Ask if there is an offense or explain your own offense in love. "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." Proverbs 15:1 3. If there is an offense, the offending party should apologize even in the case of accidental offenses. If restitution is possible or any other remedy can be applied, it would be best to do so at this time. The goal is restoration of the relationship, not punishment of the offender. 4. Move forward together in grace and forgiveness. Eph 4:32 "Be kind and loving to each other, and forgive each other just as God forgave you in Christ." 5. Meeting with a board member and parties involved to seek resolution. 6. Meeting with the pastor and a board member and parties involved to seek resolution.

Public Displays of Affection:It is inappropriate in the co-op setting to have public displays of affection between members of the same gender or opposite gender on the church premises (inside and outside) as well as the store and co-op sponsored events, as we are a testimony to those around us.

This includes but is not limited to:

  • Holding hands
  • Sitting on laps or the same chair
  • Kissing
  • Arms around each other
  • Or any PDA the board deems inappropriate, not limited to the above You will be sent home immediately and action could result in suspension.
  • No teens should remain in cars together or alone.
  • First offense, the parent will be called and the child will be asked to leave the premises immediately. For the next two class days, the parents will have to drop their teen off and pick him/her up.
  • Second offense, the student and parents will meet with the Agape Leadership Board and/or the overseeing elder or pastor.

Property Damage

  •  Accidental: Assessed fee for repair/replacement at a minimum of $25
  •  Deliberate act of vandalism: Assessed fee for repair/replacement at $25 minimum. Serve minimum of four hours community service at the church


  • All cars must be in the front lot
  • Students 13 and older ?
    • May arrive/be dropped off up to 15 minutes before their first class 
    • Do not need an adult on-site for supervision ? Should leave promptly after their last class
  • Students 12 and under 
    • Require a parent, guardian or “designated Agape adult” on site at all times
    •  If parent leaves, assign a “designated Agape adult” to be responsible for the child and make notation on clipboard by front door

 Designated Agape Adult: A parent and current member of Agape. 

Class time Parent Responsibilities:

  • Please stay home if you have a fever, cold, flu, vomiting, or any other known viral contagion.
  • You are responsible for their children’s education. We, as tutors, are here to assist you in your homeschool program.
  • Notify tutors if your child has a learning difference. Not all tutors are comfortable navigating these situations in the classroom.
  • Oversee that homework is being completed.
  • Sign up to watch the tutor's small child if needed during class time. 6. Get students to class punctually.
  • Communicate with the tutor if the child will be absent from class.
  • Notify tutor and Kristen Weddle if a student is dropping a class.
  • Remember that tutors are volunteers who are graciously giving their time and talents to serve Agape families. Be respectful of them and their time. Do not ask them to change their class time, limit, or list.

Student Responsibilities:

  • Arrive at class on time and with needed materials
  • Behave respectfully towards all in class
  • Complete assigned work
  • Abide by tutor’s rules regarding use of electronics in the classroom

Tutor Rights:

  • Establish prerequisites for classes and hold students accountable
  • May deny entrance to class if student is too late
  • May remove students from class for consistently being disruptive or failing to complete required work
  • Should an issue arise, students under 13 years of age will be dismissed to the parent or designated adult. If over 13, the child will call his/her parent to be taken home. If a satisfactory resolution cannot be reached, a tutor may refuse to accept a particular child back into the class, depending upon the circumstances. If a tutor has made the decision to permanently suspend a child from a class, the decision is final and not subject to review or appeal.

Non-Class Time Prohibited areas: balcony, sides of building, woods, church office wing, non-coned in area of parking lot, or loitering in hallways and stairwells

Kitchen: Parents may use it to prepare food if no classes are occupying the space. All dishes used must be washed, dried and put back before the next class or before dismissal.

Study Rooms

  • For quiet study only
  • Computer screens must face door
  • No other electronics allowed
  • Water is allowed, nothing else Gym
  • Food and beverages allowed
  • Card and board games allowed at tables
  • School work can be done
  • Computers allowed
  • Family friendly video games only
  • No photos allowed
  • Clean up after yourselves
  • Teens have designated table with card games to hang out at if they choose
  • Students are expected to be respectful of the hall monitors and others around them
  • Designated play area is at back of gym
    •  No balls allowed
    • No running outside of this area
    • Chairs are for sitting in, not riding Outdoor Play
  • Children playing outdoors must stay in the coned-in areas of the parking lot
  • Stay out of the woods, no climbing on trees, and stay off grass on the side of building.
  • Do not play with the stakes or stones in the parking lot.
  • Small wheeled toys will be allowed. These include skateboards, scooters, roller blades, toy trucks, wagons, etc. NO BIKES. Students using skateboards, roller blades, or scooters MUST wear a helmet.
  • Students will also be allowed to use the Gaga ball pit on the back hill of the church.
  • Children under the age of 13 must be accompanied by an adult in these play areas. Parents must be with their children if there is no hall monitor present.
  • Monitors will be outside during September, October, April and May weather permitting between 9:00-12:00.
  • Students will be respectful of the hall monitors and any other adults outside.

Nursery (Room 142/144):

  • Parents are welcome to use room 142/144 with their children as long as the nursery monitors are present in the nursery. 
    •  Under no circumstances should a parent leave their children, sleeping or awake, in the nursery without direct supervision.
    • Please observe all posted nursery rules.
    • All toys need to be picked up each time you leave the nursery. Even if you are just going to have a snack in the gym, please pick up the toys first.
    • NO eating is allowed in the nursery. Please use the gym for feeding your child(ren).
    • No glass containers allowed in the nursery.
    • If you remove an outlet cover to charge a phone or laptop, please replace it when finished.
    • Please do not let your child run back and forth from the nursery to the gym. We do not want any collisions with another child or adult

Graduation: Graduation for seniors will be held on May 17, 2025 at 11am. Seniors, juniors and a parent are required to attend a graduation informational meeting on: September 24, 2024 at 1:30pm.

  • In order for a student to participate in graduation, the student must participate in at least one (1) class during the current school year. Any class that meets for four consecutive weeks will fulfill this requirement.
  • If a student has not taken a class, participation in three (3) activities will also meet this requirement. Activities that will satisfy this requirement include: the science/art fair, talent show, musical concert or Agape field trips (each event would count as one activity).

Inclement Weather: If we need to close due to bad weather, a decision will be made by 6 am. It will be posted on WMUR and our Facebook page. A text and newsletter will also be sent.

Website: Check out the website at Please be sure to sign up for our newsletter. All news and announcements are distributed through the newsletter. Website Features:

  • Sign up for text messages if desired
  • Calendar with all events
  • Class descriptions and schedule
  • Guidelines
  • Sign up information