Our Vision
Second Greatest Adventure: Why do we say homeschooling is the second greatest adventure? Because the greatest adventure in life is your personal walk with Christ which is the foundation for the undertaking of homeschooling. Though the road is neither glamorous nor easy, we will reap great rewards because Jesus will be at the center of both your life and your homeschooling journey. At the heart of knowing our children are a heritage and a gift from God, is a parent's responsibility to teach and train them in all areas of life. Deuteronomy 6 describes the day to day activities of homeschooling so clearly. We are training our children when we sit in our house, when we walk by the way, when we tuck them in at night and when we rise in the morning. It should be our deepest desire that our children, above all else, love the Lord with all their heart, mind and soul. We pray that as we begin this journey, our focus will not be diverted, but clearly stayed upon the Lord. For in Him and through His Word, we shall find wisdom and understanding.
Vision: At Tower Hill Church, our vision is to love people to life. As a homeschool co-op, loving and serving the needs of homeschooling families is our vision. Our focus is building families up according to Biblical principles and raising children according to God's Word. We believe the Bible should be the cornerstone of all of our endeavors.
Mission: The co-op's mission is to come alongside homeschool families to provide support in spiritual and educational areas through fellowship, prayer, and classroom experiences.
Encouragement: As the challenges of homeschooling come, remember the Lord used a child with only five loaves of bread and two fish to feed five thousand people with 12 baskets left over! Surely He knows our inadequacies and our children's needs. He does not call us to do anything based on the merits of our strength. "He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think..." (Eph. 3:20).
To find out more go to https://th.church/our-beliefs